Name (First Last) Contact No D.O.B Gender EVENTS
One athlete can participate in only 5 individual events and relay.
Per event- Rs. 400 & Per relay event Rs. 1000 (2% Transaction charges).
On submitting, I hereby certify that all the participants who have entered as per details above are bonfide menbers of my institution. They are in perfect health, free from disases and physically fit to compete in the event indicated against their name. They are competing entirely at their own risk and responsibility and the organizers are not in anyway responsible for any injury or mishap that may cause any loss or damage to their property and personal possessions. I hereby Certify that the date of birth as mentioned against the name of each participant has been verified by me and found to be correct. The rules of the event have been read by me as well as by the participants and we promise to abide by them.
Total Cost: Rs.0
Discout Price: Rs.0
Amount To Pay: Rs.0

  1. Event List
  2. Meet Schedule (To Be Announced Soon)
  3. Rules & Regulations


  1. All the Participants need to carry their Birth Certificates during the competition and will be required to produce incase of discrepancies or protest. In the absence of the documents within the stipulated time the participant will be disqualified.
  2. Accommodation and Food will not be provided from the Organizers.
  3. Last date of accepting the entries will be until 5th January 2025.
  4. BIB Collection Date and time will be announced Post the closure of the entries.